Tag Archives: pictures

Last Chapter – The Mission

Not being a professional photographer, my battery ran dry, and instead of leaving my heart in SF, I left my charger at home, but before she died, I was able to photograph some of the art works drawn on some of the buildings  in the area called “Mission”
Hope you enjoy my mini tour of the Mission
Stay tuned, next book, – coming out next year

a trip to frisco – Part 1

Just returned from visiting brother in San Francisco,
we visited the Jewish Museum and learned from our guide

that it is in the shape of two Hebrew Letters

Jews on Vinyl was pretty cool, but they left out Adam Richman

The architecture in SF is really cool, as you can see below

and below

and it was a fun time to shop, even though I didn’t buy anything
(except for a pair of cufflings)

stay tunes for chapter Two

did i mention his love of photography?

subject: Some photos I took this morning, before I went to work


"White on Brown"

"South Whitehall Street Lamp"

"White on Brown and Red"
