Category Archives: brother


my little brother is headed to asia for 2 weeks with his company ❤ countries in 13 days and he thinks it’s a long trip> because my father is a doctor, my brother asked him which immunizations he’d had <the chart is easily accessible>  my brother has previously had, among others, the tetanus shot.  he was given it again – as precaution, despite his having told his colleagues that he’d had it.  when my father got wind of this he was enraged “tetanus! when i got that shot, i had a fever of 125!”  his energy and turmoil is exhausting.  “i told them you had it! why would they give it to you?!”  as my brother offers an explanation on the other end of the phone, my father replies “well that was over 25 years ago, it has different elements now – what caused that isn’t in the composite anymore”

award in dramatization.

is it?

subject: 4.1 earthquake

body: I was on the shuttle and didn’t even know it happened…

is it bad that I’m disappointed?

joke? e-mail from brother

subject : dad’s response when i told him i’m flying Virgin America

body : “Weird nane for an airline”